Chayote Fruit Cooked With Red Wine Vinegar And Onions

Chayote fruits are used in both raw and cooked forms. When cooked the right way, chayote is sweeter It can also be eaten straight, although the boring flavor makes this a horrible idea. Whether raw or cooked, chayote is a great source of foliate, amino acids and Vitamin C. It was originally grown in Central […]
Copycat Recipe – Red Lobster Parrot Bay Jumbo Coconut Shrimp Recipe

The first time someone introduced me to Red Lobster Parrot Bay Jumbo Coconut Shrimp I was baffled. How come no one told me earlier about this?! The Red Lobster Parrot Bay Jumbo Coconut Shrimp is now one of the favourite dishes at Red Lobster. Well now you can make your own Red Lobster Parrot Bay […]
French Fries Recipe

Did you ever wonder how fast food chains like McDonalds get their French Fries crispy and not soggy or soft? We found that soaking the fries in a sugar solution before frying works best. We also experimented and found that removing the fries after two minutes in the deep frier also produces a better product. See our recipe for details.